
How To Turn On Comments On Youtube 2021

Comments are important elements of every YouTube contour. They're ofttimes seen as places where there's an abundance of unfiltered opinions and attitudes that YouTube's algorithm analyses to rank your videos.

How to Disable Comments on YouTube

In this commodity, we'll tell you lot all in that location is to know about disabling YouTube comments and what yous need to consider before doing this. Plus, we'll accept you lot through a quick guide on managing comments on different devices even when your live conversation is on.

Disable YouTube Comments using a Browser

If a time comes when y'all no longer desire people to exit comments nether your videos, yous can disable them in a browser on any device. Hither's how to practise it:

  1. Open your YouTube account.

  2. On the left side of the screen, choose "Your videos." Click the "hamburger icon" to expand the options if collapsed.

  3. YouTube Studio automatically opens. Click on "Settings" on the bottom left corner.

  4. In the new pop-up window, choose "Community" and so click on "Defaults."

  5. Cull "Disable comments."

  6. To save changes, click "Save" in the lower right corner.

How to Disable Comments on YouTube Live

Unless you know your audience pretty well when you're hosting a live stream, chances are that some users will post random things that may be irrelevant or even problematic. To prevent this from happening, sometimes it's amend to plough the chat box off. That manner, y'all'll not take whatever inconveniences to deal with and make certain everyone focuses is on the video rather than the comments.

During your effect or alive stream, you tin still turn your Live chat on or off at whatever time. Here's how to practise it.

  1. Open "Live Control Room."

  2. Get to "Stream and Webcam," and on the upper right corner, click on "Edit."

  3. Click on "Customization" and uncheck "Alive chat."

If your alive stream is on and you've suddenly decided to turn off your Alive chat, YouTube enables y'all to delete letters, identify users in a timeout, or hide problematic users and their messages from your aqueduct. Y'all can do this by simply holding "Alt" on your keyboard to pause the chat and address item messages.

There'due south also a way to hide a viewer if you feel they're obstructing your Live chat or getting too much attending. Here's how to do this using YouTube Studio:

  1. Open up YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on "Settings" and find "Community."
  3. Become to "Automated Filters," and in that tab, you'll detect "Hidden users," where you can blazon the proper name of anyone you want to hide.
  4. If you desire to unhide someone, you'll accept to click on the "X" next to their name.
  5. And then, click "Save."

How to Disable YouTube Comments on iPhone and Android App

If you've just realized that yous desire to disable comments on YouTube, and yous don't accept your computer with y'all, don't worry.

YouTube allows you to access the Avant-garde Settings on your phone, where you can turn off comments when you decide to. If you're using the YouTube app on an iPhone or Android, here's what y'all need to practise:

  1. Open your "YouTube Studio" app.
  2. Nether the "Content" section, tap on the "vertical ellipsis" on the correct side of the video.
  3. Cull "Edit video."
  4. In the "More than options" section, tap on "Tags, category, comments & more."
  5. In the "Comments" section, select the dropdown for "Comment Visibilitry" and cull "Disable comments."
  6. Bear upon the "dorsum pointer" in the top left department. This step is required to salve the changes since there is no option on this page.
  7. Tap on "Salve" in the upper right corner.

How to Disable YouTube Comments on iPad

Managing your YouTube aqueduct from an iPad is very similar to doing and so on your phone. If you want to use information technology to disable comments on your videos, hither's what you can practise:

  1. Open your YouTube Studio app.
  2. Tap on iii lines on the upper left corner.
  3. Tap on "Videos."
  4. Cull the video where y'all desire to disable the comments.
  5. Tap on the pencil icon on the top of the screen to open "Avant-garde Settings."
  6. Swipe correct to go to "Advances Settings."
  7. Scroll downwardly to find "Comments" options.
  8. Toggle to turn on or off comments for the video.
  9. Click on "Save" in the upper right corner.

How to Modify Comment Default View?

Instead of removing comments from your videos, it might be a meliorate option to simply change the default view and put the newest comments up, making them more visible. Or y'all tin can decide to put your top comments on brandish, thus removing the unwanted ones abroad from the public heart.

If you determine not to disable your comments but only to alter their guild, you can practise this in a few unproblematic steps:

  1. Open YouTube and open up "YouTube Studio."

  2. On the left, click on "Videos."

  3. Click on "Sort By."

  4. Determine whether you lot want the newest comments to click on "Newest," and if you want the most popular one, click on "Top."

Additional FAQ

Should You Disable Comments on YouTube?

When you ask experienced YouTubers, they're quite opinionated on this topic as there's no definite answer to this question.

On the one hand, comments are a fantastic style to connect with your audience and have instant feedback on what you're creating. When people know that they can communicate with you openly, they'll follow you lot, press the subscribe button more often, and ultimately feel more connected to your content. This is particularly important when you're just starting to build your online community, and you demand as many viewers as possible.

However, if yous permit merely anyone annotate on your profile, subsequently a while, you'll start noticing bots or people who don't like your content, and they will be determined to write it under every video or mention it in your Live chat. Of course, in that location's always going to be someone with bad comments. That'southward why YouTube developed several ways to manage comments, like removing and reporting comments and hiding users from your aqueduct.

Why Are YouTube Comments Useful?

Comments are a great way to create a give-and-take and promote a topic on whatever social media. Commenting and sharing opinions evidence you who your audience is and what kind of values these people foster. They can also give you much needed, unfiltered feedback.

Paying attention to what they're saying might improve your account and give you new ideas of what kind of content you tin create. You can address some of the questions or topics that your viewers are asking most. Of course, look for constructive criticism, non the comments that are criticizing everything.

Tin can Comments Make Your Profile More Visible?

Comments show how engaged your viewers are and increase the time they spend on your channel. When people spend more time watching your videos and reading the comments, that can boost your viewing length and ranking. If y'all're a beginner on YouTube, comments are a valuable tool that you should use to your advantage.

Why Did YouTube Disable My Comments?

YouTube recently announced that they're removing comments from all channels that characteristic children and minors. In this manner, they want to protect children from predatory comments and put their safety first. They're also removing comments from any channel that posts videos involving minors under xviii, as they believe they're at take a chance of attracting problematic comments.

YouTube appear the launch of a new algorithm to identify and delete problematic comments automatically. So, if your channel publishes whatever content that involves kids or minors, you lot will no longer be able to plow the comments on.

Keep on Commenting

YouTube comments are the right manner for brands and bloggers to interact with their followers and create an ongoing dialogue. However, they require a lot of moderation that can quickly turn into a full-time chore, especially if your channel starts growing.

At present that you know how to disable comments on YouTube and hide comments, yous're set to control your channel and create existent connections with your audience. Furthermore, you lot'll know how to remove, hide, or report offensive content and manage your live stream chatbox.

What'due south the worst comment you've e'er come across on your aqueduct? Do you ofttimes comment on other peoples' videos?

Let us know in the comments department beneath.


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