
Xpexplorer Windows 10 Dpi Fix Download

IMPORTANT NOTE - 14 April 2017.
If y'all are using the latest version of Windows 10 (Creators Update) you might non need this DPI Fix (if y'all already take, you tin can unproblematic run the DPI ready and gear up it to ''Apply Windows ten Default DPI scaling' and hit 'Apply').

Information technology looks like Microsoft fixed this blurry fonts finally for a lot of people.
But we still get emails from people that said the Creators Update did not fix their blurry fonts and that our DPI set did.
And so if you still have blurry fonts subsequently the Creators Update, y'all can use this DPI Prepare to make them razor sharp.

This page is merely intended to help you with the DPI Scaling for Windows 10 if you lot have blurry fonts on high DPI.
When nosotros installed Windows x. Nosotros noticed the DPI scaling is non working equally it was in Windows Vista, 7 and eight(.1).

The problem in Windows 10:
When you have a widescreen, with a resolution of 1920x1080 or college or a bit lower, in Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.ane yous would put your DPI scaling to 125% or higher to make text and images appear larger and more easy to read.
But when y'all put the DPI scaling to 125% in Windows 10, you run into in a lot of dialogs and windows the font gets very blurry.
Information technology does not thing if you are using the regular or custom Windows DPI scaling functions at your 'Screen backdrop'. Text will get blurry on 125%.
You lot can test if yous have this bug also if y'all put your DPI scaling to 125% at your 'Screen properties', then reboot Windows (or sign in again when it asks you).
And then goto 'Control panel > Administrative tools > Services'.
If you accept this upshot as well y'all would come across the titlebar of the Services window has a font scaled skilful. But the services list itself is very blurry/unsharp to read.

The Simple ready:
Right-click on the shortcut to your application that has blurry fonts, then select 'Properties'. Then tab 'Compatibility'. Then enable 'Disable display scaling on loftier DPI settings' and hit 'Apply'. then restart your application, and you see it will look adept.

The DPI gear up:
Windows x is using another scaling method for DPI equally in Windows Vista, 7, eight and
At some bespeak we can understand Windows why they changed the DPI scaling in Windows x. It is probably ment to support mobile devices more easy.
But if yous similar to use your Desktop as a Desktop, and you demand high quality just. Then you lot tin can utilize this fix until Microsoft has addressed this issue.
This fix uncomplicated tells Windows 10 to apply the original DPI scaling every bit it was in Windows Vista, 7, 8 and viii.ane.

Why this is a small-scale software plan, and not some 'Registry Tweak' is because when you manually adapt the DPI settings at your 'Windows Registry'. Windows will reset your dpi settings every two reboots. Which means you lot would take to adapt the registry again (Microsoft forces y'all almost to utilise its new DPI scaling method).
You lot could use a batch file for information technology that starts when yous start Windows(r) to change the registry DPI settings, only so a ugly CMD box would evidence if you turn on your computer.
This method we created unproblematic works, does what you want. And will not show a ugly CMD box because its using pure API.

Side effects:
- It needs to commencement when Windows starts, but merely for a couple milliseconds (you will non encounter information technology afcourse). And so information technology volition adjust the DPI scaling to use the Windows 8 mode. And then it will shut itself.
- In Microsoft Edge (its new browser) some Adobe Flash objects volition announced smaller, simply yous can elementary overcome that by using Cyberspace Explorer eleven, or Chrome, or FireFox.

Download:     version ii.1 - 28 augustus 2015

Google VirusTotal condition study for version 2.1:
https://world wide


Created by: Michiel Schermer (Netherlands)

If your AV gives a false-positive, let us know at with the proper name and version you are using, we are in contact with all major virusscanners only at the moment nosotros are very busy with updates to support Windows 10 in our master product.
This tool does not utilize cyberspace, you can put a registry/tcp/deejay monitor on it to encounter what it does, and then you see it just does what you want it to do.
We at XPExplorer only like happy people, not unhappy. Yous tin can read more almost our policy at our main website.

Note for Google VirusTotal users.
30 augustus 2015: White-listing completed for all AV's for version 2.1.

Tip: At VirusTotal click at tab 'Boosted data' and look for 'First submission' date.
If a file changes, the 'Start submission' will change also at VirusTotal and votes will exist resetted.


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