Share clips

Select and share a small portion (prune) of a video or live stream with others by clipping it. Clips can be shared on social channels or via direct communications (for case, email or text).

Note: Clipping videos is turned on by default. Learn how to plough information technology off.

YouTube Clips

Create and share a prune

Clips are betwixt 5-60 seconds long and are played on a loop from the original video's watch folio.

  1. Sign in to YouTube. You demand to be signed in to create a prune.
  2. Start watching a video.
  3. Nether the video, click the Clip. If you don't see this, the video isn't eligible for clips.
  4. A create clip box volition show up.
  5. Select the section of the video you'd like to prune. You can increment (maximum of 60 seconds) or subtract (minimum of 5 seconds) the length of your pick past dragging the slider.
  6. Give the clip a title (max 140 characters).
  7. ClickSHARE Prune.
  8. Cull an choice for sharing the clip:
    • Social networks: Click a social network icon (for example, Facebook or Twitter) to share the video in that location.
    • Embed: Click the Embed button to generate a code you can use to embed the video in a website.
    • Email: Choose the e-mail icon to transport an email using the default email software on your calculator.
    • Copy the link: Click the Re-create button to copy a link to the video that you can paste somewhere else, like in an e-mail bulletin.

Don't allow viewers to clip your content

Creators tin forbid others from making and sharing clips of their videos on YouTube. Here's how:

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Become to
  3. From the left, click Settings.
  4. Click Channel.
  5. Click Advanced Settings, and under "Clips," uncheck Allow viewers to clip my content.

Block someone from creating clips

You can cake someone from creating clips of your video or live stream past adding them to your channel'due south "Hidden users" list.

Block words from descriptions of clips

Add together words to your blocked words lists to prevent them from showing upwardly in clips of your videos and live streams.

Clips that contain these words won't exist created and cannot be shared.

Learn more than well-nigh Clips

I don't see how to create Clips on YouTube.

To make clips from a video or live stream on YouTube, yous must:

  • Be signed in.
  • Create a clip from an eligible and opted-in channel. A aqueduct may besides turn off clip creation on their content.

Clips can't exist made from:

  • Videos shorter than 2 minutes
  • Videos made for kids
  • Live streams without DVR
  • Alive streams over 8 hours long
  • Premieres while they're all the same live

Why are the Clips I created no longer available?

If the original video is deleted or set to private, the Clips will be unavailable. If the video is gear up to unlisted, the Clips will yet be available.

If the original video violates our Community Guidelines, Clips created from that video will be removed.

I created a clip from a live stream that'southward non working.

Clips will prove up after the live stream has finished and is uploaded every bit a video. Y'all tin't create Clips from live streams without DVR or alive streams over viii hours long.

Why are there ads on the prune I created?

Ads are eligible to show up on Clips every bit long as the original video has ads.

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