
Does The Youtube Dislike Button Do Anything

Take you ever released a video where there seemed to be a disproportionate amount of "dislikes" compared to your other videos?  Did you ever wonder what that meant?  Well, having seen a lot of videos over the by few years, that like/dislike bar tin tell y'all a lot about how your video is perceived, just a disproportionate amount doesn't necessarily mean that this particular video is "worse" than any others.  Information technology certainly can hateful that, merely sometimes, people dislike a video for something completely outrageous.  And I also believe that in that location's no such thing as "bad date" in most cases.

A Few Extreme Examples of Disproportionate Hate

I started thinking about this with this video from Minute Physics:

Here'due south the likes/dislikes bar for this video:

foiled proof dislike bar

Minute Physics is a well-respected YouTube channel where people go to learn, and many of these "whiteboard" videos are splendid.  People who watch these videos are used to some complex information being transmitted in an easily-digestible format.  When this video came out describing the mathematical FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last) method, a pretty basic concept for most Minute Physics viewers, they turned on the channel in a big way.

The content wasn't bad, it just wasn't something MP fans were accustomed to seeing.  It seemed like this video was being "phoned in."  And the like/dislike bar was pretty fifty-fifty at start, like an unheard-of 1:i ratio for a video with this many views.

It forced this video to come up out:

Since and so, the first video has gotten more than of a "benefit of the doubt."

In the category of "no engagement is bad engagement:"

rebecca black

I think Rebecca Black learned a lesson about YouTube.  First, you need thick skin, and 2nd, bad engagement can still turn into major views.  That 53 one thousand thousand views number, by the way, isn't well-nigh as many views equally this video actually has, considering information technology was pulled on its first go-circular (probably from all the hate it generated).  Only someone tell me how a video that seemingly no one likes shot upwards to 53 million (and definitely more than that)?  And even with over a million people hitting that dislike button, there's notwithstanding over 250,000 who like it.  There are probably people who are liking it ironically on one side, and people are disliking it for fun on the other side.  But you're doing something "right" if this many people want to watch the video.

People are then crazy most music, anyway.  Information technology seems like every major music video has a difficult time being universally loved.  Look at this mega-popular video for Rihanna's "Diamonds:"


Way more liked than disliked, Rihanna still has most 60,000 people who watched this video and said, "I'm going to express my displeasure with this."  Information technology's got a ratio of 17:1, which is good.  I think if yous get anywhere past x:1 or more than, yous're doing well.  But maybe you're used to your videos existence xx:ane or more, and you get that one that drops to 10:1.  What then?

I was talking near a channel that I help run where nosotros have to deal with trolls from time to time.  We have videos that range from 70:1 to a couple that are 3:1.  We accept a lot of subjective content in our videos, opinions.  If people don't similar the opinion, or think you're existence disrespectful to a certain topic of give-and-take, they'll dislike it immediately.  It'southward my sneaking suspicion people will dislike a video as shortly as they see a title they don't similar.  I've seen comments where people enjoyed the whole video only to dislike it because of 1 stupid thing.  It's comments similar these that make me non have that dislike bar besides seriously.  To me, it'due south like politics.  People may like everything about a candidate except for one effect, and determine to vote for some other guy they mostly dislike but concur with on that main event.

When Dislikes Matter

But if you're doing music or comedy, straight-upwards, two things I believe people get more excited about/more disappointed in than most genres, and yous see a video that is disliked more than than usual, that might tell y'all something well-nigh the content.  If y'all've built a aqueduct that regularly has a ratio of 20:1 or similar, and and then you make on that drops to 9:1…that might exist a sign that you did something that didn't quite come up together.  Y'all have fans who like you no matter what, but you didn't convince the people who take an objective expect at your videos on each upload.  You lot may have ten,000 subscribers, or 100,000…in that grouping you lot accept a cadre group of fans who like everything you lot do, and you take a core group of fans who mostly like everything y'all do, but will allow you know when you've done something to displease them.

And then I call up you lot wait at your averages and if you lot encounter a noticeable drop, then you lot've probably done something wrong.  Have a look at Freddie Wong, who regularly gets great scores.  He expressed his displeasure at the Harlem Shake phenomenon and came out with this video on Node:

Information technology has a 32:ane like-dislike ratio, which is astounding.

Everyone pretty much loved that take on a very quick fad that swept the nation for near a couple of weeks.  But so he decided to practise some other i:

freddie wong

As you tin can meet, that 1 is about 2.5:i.  Personally, I call back information technology'south as irreverent of the Harlem Shake phenomenon every bit the one he did on Node.  Simply the presentation of the first one has a cathartic chemical element of surprise to information technology, whereas the other ane is like every other Harlem Shake video…only way creepier.

But FreddieW has such a consistent fan base of operations, they tin easily forgive him for i video like this from time to time.  And remember, it'due south well more liked than it is disliked.  But more people decided to click "dislike" on this 1 more than than normal.  They told Freddie, "Delight, no more than like this."

So what your dislikes and likes mean is probably going to be more important downwardly the road.  If y'all're starting out, and yous don't take that many views, and it'south 3 likes to two dislikes, it can't tell yous much.  Yous can larn some things here and at that place from the comments and try to make something better next time, but not until you get that larger sample size volition that bar matter.  I'd say it'south probably when those likes/dislikes get into the double digits that you lot can start assessing how much (like, I think thirty to 30 would tell you a little something), just an even larger sample is probably needed.


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