
10 Best Thor stories of all time - millersnate1942

Donny Cates' Thor 2020 series is well underway, but what are the go-to-meeting Thor stories of all time? From the very first issue by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to the fashionable adventures for the God of Thunder, he's had some classic adventures on his lonesome, but also with the Avengers. Here are our top 10 picks for the champion Thor stories of all time.

10. God Bumbler/Godbomb (Thor: Graven image of Thunder #1-11)

Best Thor stories: God Butcher/Godbomb

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

It's safe to call this unitary a modern classic.

Jason Aaron is a man who was truly born to compose Thor, and his first arc is befittingly pushing, indentation three different versions of Thor (from three different time periods) against the terrific Goor the God Butcher. By showing U.S.A the once, current and future versions of Thor, Aaron is able to examine the character from many different angles, something that's non always easy to fare in a medium in which change is often sporting an 'illusion.'

But thankfully, it's not all character psychology A Aaron throws in action sequences and fight scenes (expertly drawn by Esad Ribic) that will inspire metal bands for years to come. This run is a perfect distillation of the stories that came before turned up to eleven.

9. Thor: The Mighty Avenger

Best Thor stories: The Mighty Avenger

(Image deferred payment: Marvel Comics)

Believe information technology or not, there was a time before Chris Samnee was a household name. But for Thor fans who were paying attention, he was a superfine kept secret.

In the lead-up to the theatrical release of the primary Thor movie, Roger Langridge and Samnee presented a different kind of Thor than the one comics readers were wont to. His adventures were a little bit more cheerful, but tranquillise maintained an epos heart, pitting Thor against Fin Fang Foom and Namor. But more than anything else, IT thrived in providing an essential see at Thor's kinship with Jane Foster. IT simply hasn't been transcribed amended in front OR since.

8. Mangog (Thor #154-157)

Best Thor stories: Mangog

(Image credit: Wonder Comics)

You nates't have a best Thor stories list without a fib from Stan and Knave. They were always waiting to take Thor in vaulting new directions, and this story featuring Mangog introduces a Ragnarok scenario that it seems even the God of Roaring cannot hold up.

As one would have a bun in the oven, Thor wins the day - just not through sheer power. In fact, he tail end only defend Mangog to a draw. Odin is able to recreate the monster's family unit, quelling his hatred and in turn his strength. This is a mighty Marvel tale that stands up with the best of them.

7. The Eternals Saga (Thor Annual #7, Thor #283-301)

Best Thor stories: The Eternals Saga

(Image recognition: Marvel Comics)

This classic story was started by Roy Thomas and finished by Gull Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio, with artist John Buscema at length giving way to Keith Pollard. But it was Max Born from the imagination of Jack Kirby, equally all the creators neck-deep tried to take Kirby's vision of the Eternals and the Celestials - which mostly inhabited its own population anterior and get hitched with it to the Marvel Universe.

The resolution is something that has left an impact on Asgard ever since, with future creators finding early ways to weave in those familiar Kirby elements whenever possible. Even Thor: Ragnarok bears that mark - and "The Eternals Saga" may have leastways a trifle bit to fare with that.

We'll see what carries over when Wonder Studios adapts The Eternals in 2020.

6. Thor: Disassembled (Thor vol. 2 #80-85)

Best Thor stories: Thor Disassembled

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Totally good things essential come to an end and as the "Disassembled" storyline ripped through Avengers, IT eventually fell to Thor as recovered. The beauty in this finish is Michael Avon Oeming's reverence for the character's history, revealing the nature of the hertz of Ragnarok and how it wholly weaves together.

It's a love letter, not solitary to Thor merely to comic books in general and the cycles of destruction and conversion within them.

5. Mjolnir's Song (Thor #380)

Best Thor stories: Mjolnir's Song

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Part of the right smart through his run, Walt Simonson ceded art duties to the hush up exceptionally gifted Sal Buscema - but atomic number 2 would now and again bound back to the drafting board. Thor #380 sees our hammering-wielding hero facing off against a seemingly insurmountable foe, the Midgard Serpent.

To this point, readers had seen Thor gaze down against any number of men, beasts, surgery demons, but this time things are different. Hel casts a anathemize that weakens Thor's bones and the Midgard Serpent, Jormungand, is large enough to encircle the entire satellite with its body!

Merely the issue isn't unforgettable just for being a helluva fight. Simonson decided that the best mode to translate the sheer size of the ophidian was to do the entire book as a serial of splash pages. The upshot is a comic that looks nothing like anything that came out at the time and served as a precursor for the big, bombastic storytelling tropes of the 1990s.

4. Thor vol. 3 #1-6

Best Thor stories: Thor vol. 3 #1-6

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

A great deal happened when Thor was taken over off the board in the years before the commencement Marvel National War. But afterwards Tony Double-dyed's failed attack at cloning the Thunder Graven image, it was time for Thor to return. And boy did he.

J. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel were up to the task of redefining Thor for a Charles William Post-Civil War Marvel Universe. They did thus by acknowledging the spread and winning their clip to demonstrate Thor's supporting cast, even if they did have to put away him in a strange new place (Broxton, Oklahoma) to do it. The result was a run that humanized Thor but also reminded readers what made him so cool to begin with.

The big highlight of the first six issues would have to be issue #3, in which Tony Unmitigated and Thor have a very friendly chat regarding Thor's feelings about being cloned. (Spoiler alert: it's not very friendly and in that location isn't often speaking. Mountain and lots of punching, though.)

3. The Ballad of Electron radiation Bill (Thor #337-340)

Best Thor stories: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill

(Image credit: Wonder Comics)

You had to know this one would undergo a spot on the number. When Walt Simonson introduced the knight-faced Korbinite known as Beta radiation Banker's bill and imbued him with the mogul of Thor, he flipped everything we knew about the Immortal of Thunder and his malleus on its head! Simply in doing then, he created a new hero and added to the mythology of the character.

With this story, Thor became more than just a curious hero but rather a heroic ideal. And the selfless Bill became a electron lens for readers (and Thor himself) to examine the Odinson through. Broadside became Thor's reminder that he needed to bear on to strive to be the unexcelled hero he could be despite his brash and sometimes impulsive demeanor and his friendship with the honored noncitizen has been a mainstay and fan-favorite ever since.

2. Skurge's Last Stand (Thor #362)

Best Thor stories: Skurge's Last Stand

(Image deferred payment: Marvel Comics)

Part of the reason that Walt Simonson's run is sol august is for the direction that he was able to elevate characters that had never really been given a chance to shine. To this point, Skurge the Public executioner was emotional more than a hapless henchman serving the will of Amora the Enchantress.

But with Hela's armies supporting down feather on Asgard, Skurge made a theatrical role defining decision. Sick of being laughed at, Skurge stayed behind to face the hordes and exact his place in Valhalla. It's a hero's turn coming from i of the most unlikely of places and Simonson plays it perfectly.

"...and when a new arrival asks about the one to whom level Hela bows her forefront, the respond is always the same. He stood alone at Gjallerbru and that resolution is enough."

1. The Surtur Saga (Thor #340-353)

Best Thor stories: The Surtur Saga

(Epitome credit: Wonder Comics)

"The sound of thunder reverberates through a billion billion worlds... DOOM!"

Therewith, Walt Simonson began to shape up the threat of Surtur the fire giant, and by its end "The Surtur Saga" would cement his legacy as the greatest creator to ever work on the character. It's one matter to bug out a threat over the run of a year - information technology's another to deliver on it. By the time Thor and Surtur were forced to come to blows, readers were enthralled with the journeying and cared almost Thor and his supporting cast in a more meaningful way than they ever had before.

And information technology wasn't just Simonson's composition but his art and collaborations with letterer John Working man and colorist Agatha Christie Scheele that made this run, and this story specifically, the quintessential take on the Thunder God.


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